Coming Soon: Northern Fire's Winter Range!

We are excited to announce that our new Winter Range is on its way very soon!

Without giving too much away, we have included a few behind the scenes photos from a recent shoot in preparation for our launch...


The day we had planned the shoot happened to coincide with the predicted arrival of the remains of Hurricane Lorenzo on our shores. Being on the west coast, Wales was supposed to be hit (relatively) hard by the storm but asides from a few gusts and the occasional outburst of rain, we managed to survive thanks to plenty of hot drinks!
photoshoot, northern fire, nordic art, celtic art, artistic collective, anglesey, sacred knot tattoo, jamie massie photography

Waterfall, Aber Falls, North Wales, Photoshoot, Celtic Art, Nordic Art, Viking Art, Artistic Collective


In spite of the early start, our main concern was a rapidly encroaching tide... It was therefore inspirational to see our photographer, Jamie Massie's dedication to his art as he stood up to the knee in freezing water and continued the shoot barefoot... 

northern fire, artistic collective, anglesey, newborough beach, jamie massie, photoshoot


...and also his innovative thinking to protect his lenses was impressive!!


photoshoot, northern fire, anglesey


Huge thanks to our models for their time and to the artists within our collective for creating such awesome new products for us to shoot.


Northern Fire Winter Range - Coming Soon!


Written by Duncan Reed

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